Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Talk like a blogger

How I pay4a game is the most important thing about it. Most payment models are good: I pay $100 for a game and then I get2play it2find out if I like it.

But some payment models are very, very bad. They try2trick you by putting prices on things that aren't essential2play the game, like alternate colours and even alternate styles of gameplay. This is bad because it forces you2pay for it, and it ruins the game, which you are also forced2play.

This blatant affront2the sanctity of game prices will not stand. I DEMAND to pay $100 for each and every video game I play, even if it's just4five minutes. Strictly flat pay2buy pricing for all games no matter how vastly they differ in fun or complexity is simply the right thing2do. Making a game free shouldBillegal because all they do is trick the players into paying4everything without providing any fun experiences in return.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Ennui, again.

I guess I'm taking a break from WoW. Not deliberately, I just find that whenever I think of the game all the negative stuff comes flooding back, and I'm not sure I'll even have fun if I do play because there is no challenging content unless you have a minimum of four other competent players to go with you.

It feels a bit ridiculous that my subscription wont end until February. It was going to be near the end of January, but because I couldn't play during the expansion release (when I had take time off work to play it) they gave me five free days which pushed it to February. Doesn't seem like a fair trade to me, but not much I can do about it.

Someone email me when the subscription numbers are "dying" again.

Friday, January 2, 2015

A waste of time

I haven't played WoW since I stopped raiding. I've had a thought here and there to go looking for another raid group, but then I remember how little faith I have in people and how much work it is trying to be competitive, but not so competitive as to damage anyone's fragile ego. Sometimes I wonder if I'd enjoy a random five-man, but I get stuck on this feeling that it would only be a waste of time. And anyway I know them all back-to-front now.

Maybe I'll come back for the next expansion, since this seems to be the only time our beloved Blizzard bothers to create level-appropriate five-man content.