Remember that weird time in the 2000s when EA purchased the James Bond license without realising that the success of Goldeneye on the N64 had nothing to do with the license, and after the first few half-arsed James Bond games had failed to replicate the success of Rare's masterpiece, they made a James Bond game featuring a character with a gold-hued cybernetic eye, a game which they named Goldeneye-- because what else do you call a game featuring a character with a golden eye?
It should be noted that the in the movie Goldeneye (starring Pierce Brosnan as James Bond) upon which the N64 game was based, Goldeneye was the name of an orbital laser weapon.
A cynical person might deduce that EA wanted to make a game called Goldeneye first, and contrived the reasons later. This seems even more likely when you consider that in 2010 the same company produced yet another James Bond game called Goldeneye. This time not due to any golden eyes-- this was a "reimagining" of the famously successful 1997 N64 game based on the 1995 movie Goldeneye.
Which brings me back to the Knights in our Old Republic.
I can't tell whether I'm imagining it any more, but the SWOTOR marketing copy always seems so.... desperate.
I know it's difficult for a person to measure their own bias, but I really don't think I'm being biased here. I fucking love SWOTOR. I mean I don't spend hundreds of bucks on a game I only kind of enjoy. I want it to "succeed", whatever that means in the MMO space these days. Is that what SWOTOR is now? A mild success?
I guess it's just hard to see the game as successful while every launch event is being pushed like it's the last desperate hope in a futile struggle against oblivion.
A small detail that was lost on me until I went looking is that this expansion doesn't cost anything, it's just being added to the live game. Ironic that these guys (oh hey look it's EA again) are giving away the last thing that WoW players still have to pay handsomely for-- I can't be the only person who's noticed the steady upward creep in Blizzard's expansion pricing.
It should be noted that the in the movie Goldeneye (starring Pierce Brosnan as James Bond) upon which the N64 game was based, Goldeneye was the name of an orbital laser weapon.
A cynical person might deduce that EA wanted to make a game called Goldeneye first, and contrived the reasons later. This seems even more likely when you consider that in 2010 the same company produced yet another James Bond game called Goldeneye. This time not due to any golden eyes-- this was a "reimagining" of the famously successful 1997 N64 game based on the 1995 movie Goldeneye.
Which brings me back to the Knights in our Old Republic.
I can't tell whether I'm imagining it any more, but the SWOTOR marketing copy always seems so.... desperate.
I know it's difficult for a person to measure their own bias, but I really don't think I'm being biased here. I fucking love SWOTOR. I mean I don't spend hundreds of bucks on a game I only kind of enjoy. I want it to "succeed", whatever that means in the MMO space these days. Is that what SWOTOR is now? A mild success?
I guess it's just hard to see the game as successful while every launch event is being pushed like it's the last desperate hope in a futile struggle against oblivion.
A small detail that was lost on me until I went looking is that this expansion doesn't cost anything, it's just being added to the live game. Ironic that these guys (oh hey look it's EA again) are giving away the last thing that WoW players still have to pay handsomely for-- I can't be the only person who's noticed the steady upward creep in Blizzard's expansion pricing.